Early in our marriage Bruce and I made a bold move to the state of Washington that we expected to last for many years. However, we were surprised to discover that our plans were not necessarily what God had in mind. When the life that we sought after crumbled, we were left homeless. So we turned to our family and headed back to California. We had two small children and had no idea what the future held. It didn’t seem reasonable for us to live with family members for long because they didn’t have room for us.
As I was seeking guidance from the Lord, I was prompted to call on an old friend of mine who was also going through a difficult time in her life. She lived in a large home with her four children and unfortunately, she found herself going through the dark valley of divorce. I sensed that we would be able to encourage one another during this transitional time in our lives. So I asked her if we could move in with her. She said yes. And so Bruce, myself, and our two kids moved into her finished two-car garage. In return for our housing, Bruce remodeled a couple of her bathrooms and we babysat her kids while she went back to school to get her teaching credential. Practically, it was a win-win situation for both of us. Spiritually, God met us in some very deep and healing ways through many long nights of deep conversation. I look on that time of my life with great appreciation.
Now we live in Washington again and we have been given the gift of a little piece of land to live on. When my son Zachary and his wife Erika decided to move up here as well, Bruce and Zach put their building skills to work and transformed a section of our barn into a guesthouse. It is really quite nice. After living there for a year they decided to buy a house close by and God brought another young couple to our doorstep.
Liz and Drew took up residence in the guesthouse while they completed construction on a house that they had purchased. Before they moved in I really didn’t know them at all and now they have become close friends. It was great fun to watch them realize their dreams as they worked on their own home. They were with us for about eighteen months.

Around this same time, Zach and Erika, with our grandson Noah, made the decision to move back to California. Their dream was to live at the beach and now they do. Saying goodbye was very hard to do but I am so happy for them and how God has led them along the way.
So in a matter of weeks Bruce and I found ourselves living alone. We spent the winter months together and it was a refreshing time. And then last spring a close friend of mine found herself in a troubling time. She was faced with the task of moving and was not sure of how she was going to find a living situation that would meet the needs of her and her children. So as Bruce and I sought the Lord on this matter and we felt led to open our home to her. She is now living with us along with three of her children and they are a great blessing to us.
All of these young couples and my friend and her family have enriched my life beyond measure. I am a blessed woman.
Life is a great adventure! It is such great fun to see the work of God in the lives of others. When Bruce and I moved to this little piece of land we walk the perimeter of the property and stopped to pray for God’s peace and blessing to be upon the land and anyone whom God brought here. What a joy it is to see that unfold.