Thursday, February 27, 2014

What is in your purse? or Where is your treasure?

Yesterday someone broke into my home and stole several thousand dollars worth of possessions from Bruce and me. They also stole some things from me that were passed down from my grandparents and my dad who is no longer living. I am sad that someone chose to invade my life and help themselves to what did not belong to them. Such is the brokenness of the world we live in. Here are some thoughts that this event churned up inside of me.

I have the great pleasure of being in California this week spending time with my family. I love my family. No one knows me like they do and they choose to love me anyway. I have been blessed with a family that will stick by me through thick and through thin. We have shared many joys and many sorrows together. Sometimes our relationships have been tested but we have always turned back toward one another. We do this because we are a family and so we choose love.
When I was a little girl and a member of the youngest generation of my family I had a great since of belonging. I felt like I was a part of two tribes. One was my dad’s family and the other was my mom’s family. They were very different tribes and I loved being a member of both of them. I learned how to relate to God, other people, and the world through the influence of my family. Children learn through observation and I remember doing a lot of watching and learning as a child. I was the youngest child in my immediate family and I had thirty-two first cousins that were older than me so I had many people to look up to.

As a young adult I began having children of my own and I began the cycle all over again for my children. I wanted my children to grow up with a strong tribal connection to their family. Bruce and I cultivated a close relationship for our children with their grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I believe that it is important to know who you are and where you come from because this gives us  a sense of belonging and grounding in the world. I love the influence that my parents and Bruce’s parents have had on my children as they have been finding their way in life. I’m thankful for the relationships that exist with my children and their aunts and uncles. This gives them someone to look up to and learn from as they journey through the ups and downs that life brings. I’m thankful for the relationships that have developed with my children and their cousins. These are their peers and hopefully, they will be a strength to them for a lifetime.

Now my children are having children. It is time for them to pass this heritage on to my grandchildren. I love being with my grandchildren. Yesterday, I was reading and my grandson, Noah, who is five years old asked me what I was reading about. I told him that I was reading about relationships. He said, “What is a relationship?” I explained to him what our relationship was and then what other relationships were with other people in his life. It is so much fun to have these spontaneous moments with him. He is a very inquisitive child and we have great conversations. Being a grandmother is the greatest gift in the world. I love that Noah asks everyday that I am staying at his house how much longer I am going to stay. He never wants me to leave. It feels good to be so loved and wanted by him. I believe that this is how God sees me and loves me. God looks forward to being with me everyday. God doesn’t want me to leave because of the love relationship that we have with one another.

So where is my treasure? It is with things that are eternal. My relationships with the people in my life are eternal. The things that will have lasting meaning for me are the relationships in my life. My tribe will carry on long after I have taken my last breath on earth. Many generations will come after me and although I will be forgotten, my life will carry on into eternity.

Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will never fail, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

                                                                                 Luke 12:33-34