I have been reflecting on the meaning
and value of the attending church. Why do so many people go to church? I am curious about all things spiritual so I often ask people that I meet to tell me
about their experience of God. Most of the time they tell me about their experience of church.
It takes more prodding for them to see their own personal experience of God. In
our culture, God and church go hand in hand. So I decided to take some time to
reflect on my own experience of God and church.
My earliest recollection of God was
through prayer. Every night at bedtime, at the direction of my
parents, I would kneel down beside my bed and pray. And when we sat down
together for dinner, either my sister or me would say grace. It was always the
same prayer for both of these events but it taught me that there is someone
greater than myself, God, and I needed to be connected to him. My understanding
was that God was male and in charge. I also began to believe that God loved me
even though I am not really sure what that meant.
When I was a little girl
growing up in southern California, I went to a Lutheran church. I loved this
church because it gave me a sense of belonging. I grew up in a very large
extended family. This is a photograph of me with my grandparents and some of my cousins. I am the young one that is crying.
My dad had nine siblings and many of them lived close by us.
My grandparents, aunts and uncles, and many of my cousins went to my church. So
I identified with my church as a connection to my family. My concept of God at
this stage of my spiritual development was pretty simple. God had something to
do with a sense of belonging and family. At this time in my life, church was
not an option. Nearly every Sunday morning we would get up early, get dressed
up, and off we would go to church. I would have preferred to sleep in instead of dragging myself out of bed and I
hated getting dressed up but once we got there I would make that best of the
experience. I really looked forward to getting home from church because I could
get out of my Sunday clothes and get comfortable again. Also, I looked forward
to the Sunday newspaper that was waiting for us. I loved the Sunday newspaper
because it contained the Funnies.
This was the cartoon section of the paper, and on Sundays it was in color!
I don’t remember going to any
church socials during those early years but I do remember going to family
picnics. The Andersen family was big, so we would have family picnics. There is
still an annual Andersen family picnic every September. These picnics were
always so much fun because I got to spend time with my cousins. My grandparents
had thirty-four grandchildren and I was number thirty-three. This gave me many
older cousins to look up to and learn from. I loved my time with them. These
were my people and I knew that I belonged to this tribe.
When I was around six or seven
years old, my grampa died. At that time my family’s tradition was to have an
open casket funeral. I remember walking into the church with my parents and my
sister and seeing my grampa lying in his casket. This was my first experience
of seeing someone dead. After everyone arrived at the church, they moved the
casket to the front of the sanctuary and when the service was over, everyone
walked up the center aisle for one last look at grampa. As we walked up the
aisle that day I felt the deep sadness in the room. I learned that death is a
part of life. I learned that it is good for us to mourn our losses together. I
learned that letting go hurts.
So as a
small child, going to church was about love and belonging. It was about
relationships and knowing that I was loved and that I belonged. It wasn’t about
doctrine. It wasn’t about salvation. It wasn't about heaven or hell. All of this
would come later.
So what do we want our children to
know about God?
- We are God’s children and we belong to God.
- God loves us and welcomes us.
- God loves all of creation.
- When we enjoy each other’s company we are experiencing the presence of God.
- When we mourn, God mourns with us.
Obviously the list could go on and on, these are just a few
thoughts I have as I reflect on my early years. Jesus loved children in their
simplicity. He valued them when others did not. Jesus’ own disciples failed to
see value in children but Jesus sought to bless them. Jesus was
refreshed by the presence of children. He saw their pure innocence and this
brought him great delight. We all know the value of the presence of
children in our lives. They bring us back to what really matters to us most,
the sense of love and belonging.
“Permit the children to come to Me; do not hinder
them; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I
say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will
not enter it at all.” And
He took them in His arms and began blessing them, laying
His hands on them.
Why do you go to church?
Why do you go to church?