Yesterday we all received the deeply sad news that Robin Williams took his own life. He truly was the man that was "laughing on the outside while crying on the inside." Over the years I have seen many interviews that he gave on various talk shows. If you listened to him and witnessed his body language it was not difficult to see his suffering. He was a tortured man. Yes, he did make us laugh with his quick wit and amazing timing and we can be thankful for these moments of joy that he brought into our lives. But now we mourn that we could not relieve his pain. Because most of us did not know him on a personal level we are left to wonder what his deep suffering was all about and why he could not find relief.
Suffering is a part of the human condition. We all suffer in many ways. Some of us try to conceal our pain through laughter. Others of us hide our suffering through prestige. These are just a couple of ways that we combat the pain in our lives, there are many others to numerous to mention. Why do we do this? I think it is because we don't want to be a burden to others with our pain. So what alternative do we have if we choose to bear our burdens in isolation?
There are many ways that we learn to cope with suffering like numbing the pain through addictions and compulsions. We trick ourselves into believing that these vises will bring relief. Unfortunately, what they often bring is more suffering. In our culture our methods of coping with suffering is overeating, excessive drinking or the acceptable method of taking prescribed drugs. We are encouraged to run from our suffering as if this will bring the relief that we are seeking.
I have discovered an alternative to these approaches that have personally brought great relief of suffering in my life. Finding good professional counselors and spiritual directors can help you find your way through the darkness. It is vital to have good friends and family to walk with you but having a place to process your life with an outside source can be truly enlightening and freeing. I personally chose to walk into the darkness of my soul because I longed to be free from the things that plagued me. I still have much work to do on this journey through the darkness but each new step brings life to my soul.
If you have never received any kind of professional counseling but are wanting to look at your life in a deeper way I would suggest finding a spiritual director. Meeting with a trained spiritual director is different than going to a therapist. We are all spiritual beings and meeting in spiritual direction is about attending to your soul. Spiritual Directors are not trained to treat mental illness but rather to be a healer of the soul. As a spiritual director this is the desire of my heart. I long to bring relief to those who suffer and usher in freedom, joy and peace to all those who walk through my door. I count it a sacred privilege to walk with spiritual seekers on their journey toward healing and wholeness.
Robin Williams was a celebrity that came to us through movies and television and so we collectively mourn his death. But their are countless others among us who are struggling with depression and despair that need our love and support. It is so easy to be blind to the suffering in the world around us. According to the CDC, suicide is on the rise in our country. Suicide has risen in people from ages 35 to 64 by 30% in recent years. It takes courage to look at your life deeply with another. If you need help in finding your way through the darkness be kind to yourself and take a step toward healing your soul. Or if someone you know needs a listening companion help them take that step toward healing. We need each other.
Galatians 6:2
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